
Risk Assessment’s

The Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005,  require all organisations with 5 or more staff to carry out written health and safety risk assessments of all of their significant hazards. The Health and Safety Authority`s  guidance “5 Steps to Risk Assessment” details a 5 step approach to workplace risk assessments: We will complete this on your behalf ensuring that your company is fully compliant.

Risk assessments must be reviewed if there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid we will do this annually for you.

ComplyPro is available to support your risk assessments in the form of full training to employer and employees

  • Identify the hazards present in the workplace (a hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm e.g. trip hazards, slippery floors, electrical equipment, lifting heavy objects, stress, machinery/equipment, fire etc.)
  • Identify the people at risk from the hazards, e.g. employees, contractors, visitors etc. Particularly vulnerable employees should also be considered, e.g. young people, new employees and new/expectant mothers
  • Evaluate the risk, taking into account the likelihood and severity of any accidents. Existing controls that are already in place to reduce risks should be identified and evaluated
  • Record the significant findings on a suitable form
  • Review the risk assessment regularly, or when things change e.g. new equipment is purchased, processes change or an accident or near miss has occurred

ComplyPro are experts in all areas relating to risk assessment, and there are two main options for organisations looking for risk assessment assistance:

  • ComplyPro can carry out your risk assessments for you, thereby removing the headache and the liability for you (many of our competitors will not do this)
  • Train your staff to complete Risk Assessments in house

You need to be clear that:

  • Manual handling activities require a manual handling risk assessment that considers the tasks being carried out, the loads being handled, the work environment and the individuals involved. MAC assessments/T.I.L.E.O
  • Legislation requires every non-domestic premise to carry out a fire risk assessment. This follows a similar 5 step approach as described above, but the assessment should focus on the 3 elements required for fire to start – heat, fuel and oxygen.
  • Hazardous substances require a specific COSHH risk assessment – obtaining the safety data sheet alone does not comply with the law. SDS adherence
  • display screen equipment risk assessment should be carried out on every computer user. Onsite or online
  • We will carry out relevant risk assessments on people identified as being at risk such as Young Persons or Expectant Mothers
  • Premises and Activities all need risk assessing to avoid any injury to your employees and possible legal action if relevant health and safety practices are not in place
  • Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires that all Equipment is risk assessed to avoid injury. Examples of these could be;
    • Lifting and access equipment
    • Office equipment
    • Power Tools
    • Hand Tools
    • Machines

There are so many pieces of Health and Safety regulations which can seem overwhelming at times, therefore can be difficult and time-consuming. Why not let us take away the headache and do it all for you.

Call us now for more information or advice on 085 1419315 or email us via