
CPR & Epilepsy - Course Details

Mainstream , Integration and Special Education


Course intro:

This 3 hr courses is intended to give a greater awareness to all teaching and support staff around Epilepsy. When introducing epilepsy, we must first recognise that there are around 40 different types of seizures. We need all our teaching and support faculty to be able to respond in an emergency. The course in very informative and interactive. Legislation specific to Medication management includes ,SI No. 449 of 2015 Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2015 and PHECC clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).



Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Legal Requirement incl Local Policy
  • PHECC guidance
  • What is epilepsy?
  • Causes of epilepsy
  • Do`s and Don’t`s
  • What is Midazolam?
  • How Buccal Midazolam works?
  • Convulsive and non-convulsive status
  • Minor and Major Seizures
  • Evaluations


Tines and dates to be confirmed by the school


Who is the course intended for:

All school teaching and support staff who wish to increase their awareness around Epilepsy