machine-safety (1)

Machine Safety - Course Details

Course introduction:   Half Day or Full Day Course

Our Machine Safety course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge of the principles of the Work Equipment (General Application) Regulations 2007 and the 2001 Machinery Regulations.


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Discuss relevant statutory legislation and its requirements
  • Identify Machinery Hazards in the workplace
  • Assess the risks involved with machinery
  • Discuss and evaluate machinery accidents
  • Assess machinery suitability for guarding
  • Identify safe systems of work for machinery Permit to Work, COHE, Lock Out and Tag Out Systems
  • Practical Walk where appropriate
  • Evaluations



Intended audience

All of those persons involved with using and working with machinery and those who have responsibility in relation to selection, maintenance and cleaning of machinery. This course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge of the principles of the Work Equipment (General Application) Regulations 2007 and the 2001 Machinery Regulations.


Entry requirements

Minimum age- 18 years old

Minimum English requirements: Leaners must be able to understand and convey the concepts contained in the programme content.