
Mental Health and Wellness in Education - Course Details

Course Description:

The course bring awareness to your education team and support staff in order to become aware of their own mental health and the mental health of others around them within the education environment. The recognition of signs, symptoms and triggers of mental health.


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • What is Mental Health incl models in mental health and wellbeing
  • Supporting yourself and others
  • Understanding health issues
  • The 4 Areas of Mental Health (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual).
  • 5 ways of Mental Health Wellbeing
  • Recognising symptoms and signs of mental health
  • Positive Working Environment
  • Stress Management & Wellbeing
  • Evaluations



Who is the course intended for:

This courses has been developed for all teaching and support staff in education to ensure they can be aware of their own mental health and the mental health of others around them.