
Safeguarding the Vulnerable person at risk of Abuse - Course Details

Course intro:

The Safeguarding the Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse training is designed to increase candidate’s knowledge in relation to Elderly Abuse Prevention.

This course is designed in line with the Section 8 – The Protection Standard of the National Quality Standards for Residential Care settings for Older People in Ireland as published by HIQA and The Health Act 2007 (Care and support of residents in designated centre`s for persons (children and adults with disabilities) Regulation 2013.


Course Content:

The Safeguarding the Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse Course, is very interactive and looks at each care setting individually. Participants work on case studies and there is constant encouragement for open discussions throughout. Confidentiality is of utmost importance.

Each course is designed specifically for the care setting the training is taken place in. Prior to all courses, contact is made with the Person In Charge to discuss any concerns. Internally policies and guidance is discussed.

  • What Safeguarding the vulnerable person?
  • Local Policy discussion
  • Reference to HIQA and HSE guidance
  • Advocacy
  • FREDA Principles
  • Different types of abuse (7 Forms)
  • Building blocks for safeguarding and promoting welfare
  • Key considerations in recognising abuse of signs of abuse
  • Care Practices that might lead or contribute to Elder Abuse
  • Responding to concerns or allegations of abuse of vulnerable people
  • Managing disclosure/Protected Disclosure
  • Caregiver to resident, Visitor to caregiver, Resident to Resident Abuse and family to resident abuse is discussed


Who is the course intended for:

This training course is aimed at all working within healthcare settings with older persons