CPR & Epinephrine - Course Details
Mainstream , Integration and Special Education
Course intro:
This 3 hr courses is intended to give a greater awareness to all teaching and support staff around Epi Pens. It will explain the different pens on the market and give best practice on what to do in the event of an anaphylactic shock. The whole body is affected, often within minutes of exposure to the allergen but sometimes after hours. Legislation specific to Medication management includes ,SI No. 449 of 2015 Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2015 and PHECC clinical practice guidelines (CPGs).
Course content
- Introduction to Epi Pens & Course Objectives
- Legal Requirement incl Local Policy
- PHECC guidance
- Epi Pen and CPR
- Use of Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
- Emergency Management
- CPR (Adult/Child/Infant)
- Evaluations
Tines and dates to be confirmed by the school
Who is the course intended for:
All school teaching and support staff who wish to increase their awareness around Epi Pens