
Prevention and Management of Aggression and Violence (PMAV) - Course Details

Course intro:

This 4 Hour Course is designed to train staff in remaining safe and simultaneously keeping their clients safe.  This Course is engaging and interactive and will help you to gain new skills and confidence with conflict management.  This training will help you in dealing with challenging or aggressive / physical behaviour within a Healthcare environment


Course content

  • Introduction & Course Objectives
  • Legal definition  and HIQA guidance
  • Theory of violence and aggression in the workplace
  • What violence and aggression in the workplace is?
  • Managing conflict within healthcare
  • Ethical & Legal requirements associated with violence and aggression
  • Strategies to avoid occurrences of aggression and violence
  • Identification, assessment and resolution of conflict
  • Recognition, assessment and management of escalating situations.
  • Assault cycle
  • Recognition and assessment of the escalation process
  • Use of stage specific de-escalation skills
  • Service user and situation specific risk assessment and management.
  • Verbal de-escalation skills
  • Personal safety in providing physical care
  • Risks associated with the use of physical interventions

Who is the course intended for:

This course is aimed at all Healthcare providers who deal with Challenging behaviour/Behaviours of Concern with their clients in their everyday work